People of today are adopting healthy lifestyles, and the combination of lifestyle changes, advancements in public health, and improved healthcare is contributing to a longer life expectancy. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is essential to minimize stress and ensure optimal performance.

Monday, December 16, 2013

The meaning of ageing

Increasing longevity is one of the primary drivers of population aging. As life expectancy increases, more people will survive to the oldest ages.

Human age is measured in years, in other words, how many times the earth has been round the sun since human were born. A good definition of ageing may be taken as a progressive overall deterioration of different parts of the body that starts after a particular age.

On any given day the degeneration is a sub-clinical addition, but the process is relentless. According to journal Biogerontology, ageing is ‘The progressive failing ability of the body’s own intrinsic and genetic powers to defend, maintain and repair itself in order to keep on working efficiently’.

It is a natural process, a cultural, social and physiological phenomenon that is becoming more fully understood owing to active, multidisciplinary research in the field.

Ageing people undergo sensory and cognitive changes. Their hearing and their sight are gradually impaired. They may also have difficulties in remembering recent events.

Loss is the most recognizable feature of ageing, whether it be memory, hearing or hair. As people age, maintenance and management of these losses becomes increasingly important and this the most practical way to slow ageing.
The meaning of ageing

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